Source code for pybroker.config

"""Contains configuration options."""

"""Copyright (C) 2023 Edward West. All rights reserved.

This code is licensed under Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause license
(see LICENSE for details).

from pybroker.common import BarData, FeeInfo, FeeMode, PriceType
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class StrategyConfig: """Configuration options for :class:`pybroker.strategy.Strategy`. Attributes: initial_cash: Starting cash of strategy. fee_mode: :class:`pybroker.common.FeeMode` for calculating brokerage fees. Supports one of: - ``ORDER_PERCENT``: Fee is a percentage of order amount. - ``PER_ORDER``: Fee is a constant amount per order. - ``PER_SHARE``: Fee is a constant amount per share in order. - ``Callable[[FeeInfo], Decimal]``: Fees are calculated using a custom ``Callable`` that is passed :class:`pybroker.common.FeeInfo`. - ``None``: Fees are disabled (default). fee_amount: Brokerage fee amount. subtract_fees: Whether to subtract fees from the cash balance after an order is filled. Defaults to ``False``. enable_fractional_shares: Whether to enable trading fractional shares. Set to ``True`` for crypto trading. Defaults to ``False``. round_fill_price: Whether to round fill prices to the nearest cent. Defaults to ``True``. max_long_positions: Maximum number of long positions that can be held at any time in :class:`pybroker.portfolio.Portfolio`. Unlimited when ``None``. Defaults to ``None``. max_short_positions: Maximum number of short positions that can be held at any time in :class:`pybroker.portfolio.Portfolio`. Unlimited when ``None``. Defaults to ``None``. buy_delay: Number of bars before placing an order for a buy signal. The default value of ``1`` places a buy order on the next bar. Must be > ``0``. sell_delay: Number of bars before placing an order for a sell signal. The default value of ``1`` places a sell order on the next bar. Must be > ``0``. bootstrap_samples: Number of samples used to compute boostrap metrics. Defaults to ``10_000``. bootstrap_sample_size: Size of each random sample used to compute bootstrap metrics. Defaults to ``1_000``. exit_on_last_bar: Whether to automatically exit any open positions on the last bar of data available for a symbol. Defaults to ``False``. exit_cover_fill_price: Fill price for covering an open short position when :attr:`.exit_on_last_bar` is ``True``. Defaults to :attr:`pybroker.common.PriceType.MIDDLE`. exit_sell_fill_price: Fill price for selling an open long position when :attr:`.exit_on_last_bar` is ``True``. Defaults to :attr:`pybroker.common.PriceType.MIDDLE`. bars_per_year: Number of observations per year that will be used to annualize evaluation metrics. For example, a value of ``252`` would be used to annualize the Sharpe Ratio for daily returns. return_signals: When ``True``, then bar data, indicator data, and model predictions are returned with :class:`pybroker.strategy.TestResult`. Defaults to ``False``. return_stops: When ``True``, then stop values are returned with :class:`pybroker.strategy.TestResult`. Defaults to ``False``. round_test_result: When ``True``, round values in :class:`pybroker.strategy.TestResult` up to the nearest cent. Defaults to ``True``. """ initial_cash: float = field(default=100_000) fee_mode: Optional[Union[FeeMode, Callable[[FeeInfo], Decimal]]] = field( default=None ) fee_amount: float = field(default=0) subtract_fees: bool = field(default=False) enable_fractional_shares: bool = field(default=False) round_fill_price: bool = field(default=True) max_long_positions: Optional[int] = field(default=None) max_short_positions: Optional[int] = field(default=None) buy_delay: int = field(default=1) sell_delay: int = field(default=1) bootstrap_samples: int = field(default=10_000) bootstrap_sample_size: int = field(default=1_000) exit_on_last_bar: bool = field(default=False) exit_cover_fill_price: Union[ PriceType, Callable[[str, BarData], Union[int, float, Decimal]] ] = field(default=PriceType.MIDDLE) exit_sell_fill_price: Union[ PriceType, Callable[[str, BarData], Union[int, float, Decimal]] ] = field(default=PriceType.MIDDLE) bars_per_year: Optional[int] = field(default=None) return_signals: bool = field(default=False) return_stops: bool = field(default=False) round_test_result: bool = field(default=True)